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Easy Way to Make Delectable Instant Oatmeal Cookies

Instant Oatmeal Cookies.

Instant Oatmeal Cookies You can actually cook Instant Oatmeal Cookies using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. Right here is the getting ready you want to do to cook it.

Ingredients for Instant Oatmeal Cookies

  1. – It’s 2 packages of Instant Oatmeal.
  2. – It’s 1/2 cup of Butter.
  3. – You need 1/2 cup of Sugar.
  4. – It’s 1/2 cup of Flour (optional).

Instant Oatmeal Cookies step by step

  1. Mix in your oatmeal and your sugar. If you are adding flour, one packet of oatmeal will do. However, if you are not adding flour then two packets of oatmeal will be needed..
  2. Melt butter in a microwave safe bowl. Mix and stir butter in slowly to start your dough. If you are adding flour, go ahead and add all the butter and mix well (or else you'll eat chunks of flour!! We don't want that!) If you are not adding flour, add less butter (we don't want watery batter)..
  3. Scoop a spoon full of your batter onto a non-stick tray and cook at 350 for 8-15 minutes. Be aware that cookies with flour need a couple more minutes to cook..
  4. Allow the cookies to cool for 5-8 minutes before eating. Happy eating!! Cookies to the left (strawberry) made with addition of flour. Cookies to the right (peaches) made with no addition of flour..

Ultimately, appreciate the produce of your recipe above. Additionally you can include a few creations to suit your taste because each tastes differ and also,since which cooking more enjoyable. Do not forget to try our other recipes.

Source : Cookpad.com