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Easiest Way to Make Delicious Anzac Biscuits X Rice Flour

Anzac Biscuits x Rice Flour.

Anzac Biscuits x Rice Flour You can cook Anzac Biscuits x Rice Flour using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Right here is the preparation you should do in order to smoke it.

Ingredients for Anzac Biscuits x Rice Flour

  1. – It’s 180 grams of Rice flour.
  2. – You need 150 grams of Butter.
  3. – You need 225 grams of Rolled oats.
  4. – Prepare 150 grams of Brown sugar.
  5. – Prepare 40 grams of Coconuts shredded.
  6. – You need 3 tbsp of Hot water.
  7. – You need 1/2 tsp of Bicarb soda.

Anzac Biscuits x Rice Flour instructions

  1. Mix Melted butter and sugar and hot water.
  2. Mix rice flour, oats, coconuts and bicarb soda.
  3. Mix 1 and 2.
  4. Make shape and put in oven for 20 min.
  5. Enjoy :).

As a final point, appreciate the produce on the recipe above. You could put in a few creations to suit your taste because each tastes will vary and since that cooking more enjoyable. Do not forget to try our other recipes.

Source : Cookpad.com