Home » Potato Recipe » Recipe: Appetizing Tater Wedges

Recipe: Appetizing Tater Wedges

Tater Wedges.

Tater Wedges You can cook Tater Wedges using 3 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is the getting ready you need to do to cook it.

Ingredients of Tater Wedges

  1. – Prepare 1 of russet potatoes, cut in wedges.
  2. – It’s 1 of oil.
  3. – It’s 1 of salt.

Tater Wedges instructions

  1. Heat oil in fryer to 425°F..
  2. After cutting, place wedges in ice bath..
  3. Fry wedges for 1 minute. Be very careful when initially placing in the oil. Pull out and wait a few seconds then place back in oil until golden brown..
  4. Drain wedges on a paper bag and sprinkle with salt..
  5. Enjoy with malt vinegar and ketchup!.

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Source : Cookpad.com