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Tips on How to Make Delicious German Sourdough Rye Bread (Roggenmischbrot)

German Sourdough Rye Bread (Roggenmischbrot).

German Sourdough Rye Bread (Roggenmischbrot) You could have German Sourdough Rye Bread (Roggenmischbrot) using 16 ingredients and 14 steps. This is the planning you need to do to prepare it.

Ingredients for German Sourdough Rye Bread (Roggenmischbrot)

  1. – Prepare of *** Rye Sourdough ***.
  2. – You need 175 g of Rye flour.
  3. – Prepare 175 g of water (175 ml).
  4. – It’s 18 g of rye sourdough starter.
  5. – Prepare of *** Wheat Flour Biga ***.
  6. – You need 175 g of white bread flour.
  7. – Prepare 175 g of water (175 ml).
  8. – It’s 2 pinches of dry yeast or 0.2 g fresh yeast.
  9. – It’s of *** Main Dough ***.
  10. – It’s 175 g of rye flour.
  11. – Prepare 60 g of spelt flour.
  12. – You need 12 g of barley malt or molasses (optional).
  13. – Prepare 12 g of salt.
  14. – You need of *** Optional Mix-in ***.
  15. – It’s 50 g of dry figs (2 large, chopped up).
  16. – Prepare 40 g of choppped walnuts.

German Sourdough Rye Bread (Roggenmischbrot) instructions

  1. Mix the ingredients for the rye sourdough in a bowl. Cover tightly with wrap and let sit at room temperature for about 20 hours..
  2. Mix the ingredients for the wheat flour Biga in a separate bowl. Cover tightly with wrap and let sit at room temperature for about 20 hours along with the rye sourdough..
  3. After 20 hours, mix together the 2 pre-doughs..
  4. Then mix in the rest of the ingredients for the main dough..
  5. Remove from bowl and knead on a floured surface..
  6. Knead for 15-17 minutes until smooth..
  7. If mixing anything in like, seeds or dry fruits, knead into the bread now and knead for 1 more minute..
  8. Form into a ball, return to a large bowl and let rise for 90 minutes..
  9. Shape into a round boule or oblong loaf. Let rise covered with a cloth, or upside-down in a proofing basket for another 30 minutes..
  10. While the bread is rising in step 9, preheat oven to 250°C/500°F. Place a shallow pan at the bottom of the oven for creating steam later (also prepare some boiling water for this).
  11. After bread has finished rising, place on a baking sheet and cut a deep score down the center, or across in 3-4 places..
  12. Put in center rack and pour in some boiling water into the pan so it steams up..
  13. Bake at 250°C/500°F for 10 minutes, then remove the steam tray, lower temperature to 190°C/375°F and continue baking another 45 minutes. (total time is 55 min.).
  14. Remove and let complete cool on a rack..

Eventually, get pleasure from the produce with the recipe above. Additionally you can convey a few creations to match your taste because each tastes differ and because that creates cooking more enjoyable. Be sure and try our other recipes.

Source : Cookpad.com