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Recipe: Delectable 100% Whole Grain Rye Sourdough Brötchen (German Rye Rolls)

100% Whole Grain Rye Sourdough Brötchen (German Rye Rolls).

100% Whole Grain Rye Sourdough Brötchen (German Rye Rolls) You can cook 100% Whole Grain Rye Sourdough Brötchen (German Rye Rolls) using 11 ingredients and 10 steps. Right here is the preparing you need to do in order to smoke it.

Ingredients of 100% Whole Grain Rye Sourdough Brötchen (German Rye Rolls)

  1. – Prepare of ***Sourdough***.
  2. – It’s 180 g of rye flour (whole grain).
  3. – It’s 18 g of rye sourdough starter.
  4. – Prepare 145 g of warm water (145 ml).
  5. – It’s of ***Main Dough***.
  6. – You need 325 g of rye flour (whole grain).
  7. – It’s 190 g of warm water (190 ml).
  8. – It’s 10 g of salt.
  9. – It’s 10 g of unsalted butter.
  10. – It’s 20 g of honey or molasses.
  11. – It’s of Optional: Carways seeds to mix in or sprinkle on top.

100% Whole Grain Rye Sourdough Brötchen (German Rye Rolls) instructions

  1. Mix ingredients for sourdough. Cover and let ripen for 10-12 hours in a hot day or 16-20 hours on a cool day..
  2. Mix in ingredients for the main dough into the sourdough until the dough comes together..
  3. Knead on a floured surfaced for 10-15 minutes until smooth. Form into a ball and return to bowl. Cover and let rise for 45 minutes..
  4. Divide the dough into a 8 equal pieces. Form each piece into a round roll by folding the outer edges into the middle 5-6 times. Use your hands to round up if necessary..
  5. Place the rolls on a floured tea towel or baking cloth with the folded side facing down. Let rise for 2 hours..
  6. Preheat oven to 250°C/480°F. Optional: Place a shallow baking dish or oven-safe tray at the bottom of the oven for creating steam. Let it preheat with the oven (we'll pour boiling water in it later). Steam makes the bread's color and outside texture better..
  7. When bread is ready to bake, line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Turn over each roll so the fold side is at the top and place on the sheet. If topping with caraway or other seeds, brush or spray with water and sprinkle on..
  8. Put bread in oven and turn the heat down to 220°C/430°F. Bake for 20 minutes. (Optional for steam: Prepare a kettle of boiling water. Pour it into the pan at the bottom of the oven after putting the bread in. Remove after the steam tray after 10 mintues.).
  9. Remove from oven and let cool on wire rack..
  10. Enjoy with butter, cheese or jam!.

Lastly, delight in the meat out of your recipe above. Additionally put a few creations to suit your taste because each tastes have different and also,since that makes cooking more enjoyable. Remember to try our other recipes.

Source : Cookpad.com