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Recipe: Tasty Watermelon Kvass

Watermelon Kvass.

Watermelon Kvass You can actually have Watermelon Kvass using 4 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is the groundwork you ought to do in order to smoke it.

Ingredients of Watermelon Kvass

  1. – You need 4 cups of chunky watermelon.
  2. – You need 1/4 cup of sugar.
  3. – It’s 5 cups of cold water.
  4. – It’s 1 Tsp of sourdough starter.

Watermelon Kvass step by step

  1. Cut watermelon into 1 inch cubes.
  2. Dissolve 1/4 cup of sugar with 5 cups of cold water (after boiling) in a big glass jar.
  3. Put watermelon chunks into the same jar, stir in 1 Tsp of sourdough starter.
  4. Store in room temperature for 24 hours before straining.
  5. Using a nut milking bag, squeeze the juice out from watermelon. Transfer to another glass jar and it is ready to drink. Store the leftover in refrigerator for up to 1 month. The longer you ferment, the sour it tastes.

Lastly, get pleasure from your meal on the recipe above. You can also convey a few creations to suit your taste because each tastes have different wedding ceremony which makes cooking more enjoyable. Make sure you try our other recipes.

Source : Cookpad.com