Home » Potato Recipe » Recipe: Delightful Homemade Sausage and Black Pepper Potato Wedges

Recipe: Delightful Homemade Sausage and Black Pepper Potato Wedges

Homemade Sausage and Black Pepper Potato Wedges.

Homemade Sausage and Black Pepper Potato Wedges It is easy to cook Homemade Sausage and Black Pepper Potato Wedges using 4 ingredients and 6 steps. Right here is the prep you need to do in order to smoke it.

Ingredients for Homemade Sausage and Black Pepper Potato Wedges

  1. – Prepare of potatoes cut into wedges.
  2. – It’s of or more sausages.
  3. – Prepare of salt.
  4. – You need of black pepper.

Homemade Sausage and Black Pepper Potato Wedges instructions

  1. Chop potatoes into wedges.
  2. Pat them dry then sprinkle with black pepper and toss to mix well.
  3. Heat large heavy bottomed pan with oil.
  4. Add the potato wedges and cook until golden brown. Set aside on kitchen absorbent paper to drain excess oil.
  5. For the sausages, boil for a few minutes in water. Pat dry then fry in hot oil until cooked through.
  6. Serve the wedges and sausage with tomato sauce or sauce of your choice.

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Source : Cookpad.com