Home » New Recipe » Recipe: Perfect Nerikiri Wagashi: Cosmos"

Recipe: Perfect Nerikiri Wagashi: Cosmos"

Nerikiri Wagashi: Cosmos".

Nerikiri Wagashi: Cosmos" You can actually have Nerikiri Wagashi: Cosmos" using 4 ingredients and 9 steps. Right here is the preparation you have to do in order to cook it.

Ingredients of Nerikiri Wagashi: Cosmos"

  1. – It’s 10 g of Koshi-an (red bean jam).
  2. – You need 20-25 g of Nerikiri-dough.
  3. – You need of Please refer to "Example: how to make a Dough for Nerikiri-Wagashi (with wheat flour)" or "Nerikiri-dough (with rice flour)".
  4. – It’s of Food colorings.

Nerikiri Wagashi: Cosmos" step by step

  1. Ingredients for 1.
  2. Knead the dough. Divide the dough into 3, for a Center part, a Petal part and a Petal root part. Colorize the doughs with food colorings dissolved in water..
  3. .
  4. Join the petal part and the petal root part together. Wrap a bean jam ball with it. Make it round..
  5. Put draft lines on the top. (Divide it into 8 equal.) Make 8 ditches form the bottom to the top..
  6. Stretch each petals to periphery side with a chopstick to bring out the inside colors. Put several small notches at the edge of the petals..
  7. Put lines between petals. Make a round dent in the center. Make the dough for center round. Put it on the center of flower..
  8. Color combination examples.
  9. Color combination examples.

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Source : Cookpad.com